Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Metro put on a ITT in Beaver Creek State Park on Saturday. The course was very challenging with lots of turns and hills. I caught three guys in front of me including the DI Rocky mountain conference Champion on the mountain bike. It was my turn to kick some ass. I ended getting first in DII and 2nd overall. I was on the results as 1st but a kid from CU missed his start time or something, so they let him go in the USCF cat's and he edged me out by 1 sec. BULL SHIT, oh well it's only the Metro ITT and not nationals. Plus I still got the prize for first.

I also met up with my coach on Saturday and went out to lunch and talked about how we are going to get me ready for Gila and nationals. It was good to catch up with Jonathan!! I haven't seen him for 4-5 months. I will be flying at nationals if all goes well and nothing gets in the way.

DU put on a crit around Invesco Field(Bronco Stadium). It was a fast and furious, so fast that nothing was staying away. The horse was full on, lots of attacks and 6 point primes that went 4 deep to keep it moving. I felt really good and new that the field was moving at a rate that no one was riding off the front of this field. I road smart and got 13 points in primes 5 out of 6 primes, the next closest was 8. The Team road awesome there was a few times after primes when I was stuffed and attacks were going off the front and they covered them. GOOD WORK MESA!! I really had to fight for position in the last lap with the CU train driving the field to the finish. I got in the mix and sprinted for 4th. That was another win for DII, I also jumped in the PRO ½ crit a few hours later. One of Denver's Elite teams show up and controlled the race all day. A group of three went up the road and I saw it go and was thinking shit that might be the move. The racing in the field was real negative the elite team chasing everything down and blocking everything. Oh well! I got behind there train in the last lap and got 2nd in the field sprint and 5th overall. Not to bad of a weekend!!

Now I'm on the spring break and staying in GJ and taking life easy. It's nice not going from 7 in the morning tell 9 at night!!

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