Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mesa Crit #1 Power

Mesa State Cycling puts on a weekly Crit practically on campus. The legs are felt a little shot all week. I had a bad work out on Tuesday and then road my tt bike for two hours yesterday morning and legs didn't feel any better. Last night was a different story, I had great legs some how. I think I have been a little dehydrated the last few days. In the Crit I took the responsibility on making the first move. 2 riders came across the gap taking 1 lap pulls that took about 55sec. One dropped off our wheels. I couldn't wait to attack this other rider, he has been talking so big this year, that you would think he just got signed to Discovery. He's saying how he's going to be a cat 1 in one season and how his VO2max is huge(whatever), oh by the way he is a cat 5. Well when it said 30 min on my Power-tap computer, It was time to crush. I attacked into the headwind section of the course so I could get a gap into the tailwind and start to open up a real gap on our Discovery rider. I did about 10 laps Solo really laying it out there. It feels good to end the week of training on a high note and now it's time to rest and get the legs ready for CU this weekend!!!

I also got a little write up on USA cycling!!! Check that story out, pretty cool!!!


Dave said...

Shoot, I think that kid is cockier than you Stu. Haha, just kiddin. That kid should read a physiology book and figure out that VO2 is only part of the equation to being fast and that there's plenty of riders out there with high VO2's that never amount to schwiz. Of course, I've heard that these days Cat 4 races are pretty tough, especially with the long distances of 30 miles and all. Maybe he'll get a wild card pick for the Giro this year. Hell, I think we should email Boonen and tell him to watch out at Worlds.

Justin Rose said...

you had 315 for 30 minutes!! yep, i'd say you had decent legs. solid effort! um... is your tongue hanging out, MJ?

i like all the links from DU... they must have a good web guy or something, eh?

BillyDemon said...

Hey buddy looks freakin' strong! I am almost done with the skis for the year, start pedalin' my wares soon. Anyway hopefully we can hook up for a ride sometime.