Friday, August 25, 2006


Wow Grand Junction is a great place for me! The first week of classes have gave me a small slap in the face, but better than a chalk bag in the back of the head. I would rather go to school than work for sure. I have met a lot of cool people and have met some people that are going to drive me crazy. I went to the cycling meeting on Wednesday night and had like 30 people show up to it. It was awesome to see that many people show up and be that excited about cycling. I have been off my bike sense last Monday, and I am ampped up to get out there and do some riding. Tomorrow I am going to pre-ride the Colorado state championship course, because I am going to win it. The course is 91 miles, an out and back with a hill 2000 foot climb in the middle. That's nothing!!! Then on Sunday depending on the knee I want to do a century of the valley around the GJ. So that shows you I am pumped back up, and ready to get back after it. I want to really win that national collegiate championship in the spring. Its going to be on like it's never happened before. I'm going to be a machine in the spring. The free bike is kicking some ass around the campus, i'm showwing those girls I got skills like peddling skills, track stand skill and so on.... they dig it!!!!

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