Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Studying is putting a REAL damper on Riding

Well this is why school sucks!! I have two tests a quiz and a paper do this week, and I want to ride my bike too. I didn't get out yesterday which is like a big kick in the balls because it was a beautiful day and wasn't to hot. Today I have been on the go sense 650 am(early and it's to do school work and not to ride so it's a lot harder to get up). It's now 745 and I will not be done tell at least 10. I don't think the whole chalk bag thing was that bad after all, I had money and I didn't have to do anything with chalk bags if I didn't want to. I did make it out for two hours today and got a solid effort in at 337 watts for 40 mins I was feeling a little sluggish, oh the power tap is on(for all you non believers). I did pick up this hot girl too and got to ride this big down hill bike. I got my % of fat taken last week pretty lean I would say, 6.5 weighing in at 159. Well back to the Anatomy, have a test in there tomorrow needed a break from the Skeleton System.

1 comment:

Justin Rose said...

337 for 40 minutes?? um... baller. i might be able to get 337 for 2 minutes...