Today is one of my pod mates(room mates) B-day and we got him a girl(aka the 3 holed blow up doll) because he has came up short all year long. Tom go getter you big boy you. Happy Birthday TOM. I had a good week of training last week. I got to ride outside with just shorts and a jersey, and yesterday I was back in the full winter suit. This Coming weekend is the First Collegiate race with a ITT, TTT and a Crit. The mesa squad got out last week and did some practicing on the TTT to get the order down. We have a lot of practicing to do but we are going to be dialed at nationals!!! Uncle Freddy Happy B-day to you on the 3/4!!! You get a good work out in that day, really over do it like a Stuart would.
I think Conor(ginger kid) is going to be the next one to get it. The way he is looking into her eyes has to meen something
Tom is looking more comeforable with a group people, and his new girl!