Ripping it up Hiding from the wind Loving the the pow How I spent most of the day Check out all the snow
Hey everyone, I got out on the snow for the first time in two years and wow was it good. We did three hours of hiking for the 8 min of riding down. The calfs are really sore haven't felt that weak in a long time.
Well Growing up in Poky made me who I am today. I raced a little as a junior. I went to Europe on a three month trip and caught a few stages of the 2004 tour de France. With seeing that I decide that I wanted to become a PRO cyclist. I went to Mesa State College and won a National Championship in the Omnium. Now living in Boise and attending school at Boise State University. I will race for Bob' again next year and also race for BSU. I going to school to get my bachelors degree in Exercise Science.