Saturday, August 26, 2006

Was it worth it

Today was my first real day back on the Bike. I prerode the road course for next weekend. It's going to be a really challageinng course. I also got to see the last yellow jersey that Lance Armstrong ever woar in the Tour de France. There was a solid group of us,8. One of the guys that was there was a past winner of Lotoja, 7:50. Well after the 88 miles. and 5 hours on the bike I could hardly move my knee. So I really don't think it was worth it. I'm going to swith my old pedals back that have so much float that my shoes comes out all the time, but it dosen't bother my knee. This ride was amazing, I'm glad I rode it before the race, and was able to see the amazing sights that it has to offer.

It's Sunday Morning and my knee feels great!!! How I don't know but I am going to switch pedals and see if that is my problem. I mean my leg feels amazing, I didn't think I would be able to ride for a week.

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